1-UO AEI Webskills Fall 2014
This 10-week online training course for English Language Teachers (ELTs) is offered through the American English Institute at the University of Oregon, Department of Linguistics.
This course is funded through the E-Teacher Scholarship Program.( http://aei3.uoregon.edu/eteacher/ )
I teach 7 classes this year:
- 8TEA (francophone class of newly immigrated teens) - beginners
- 9TE (germanophone class) - pre-intermediate level
- 9TEA (francophone) - pre-intermediate level
- 9PO (2 classes) - beginners
- 10PS - intermediate level
- 11PS - intermediate level
Hello Katie!
ReplyDeleteI just want to say hello and see you around!
Nice blog!
Zulyar Kavashev
Kazakhstan, Almaty city